Settling In Services

Global Relocation

Critical to employees settling into a new host country are important first tasks. Settling-in services provide counseling and direction prior to arrival in the host country to ensure the employee is instructed on the necessary documentation needed to arrange and accompany employees to required government offices to complete primary tasks essential to begin living and working in the new location.

A local country specific professional will complete a needs assessment with the employee prior to their arrival in the host country. They will review and ensure the employee is instructed on the proper documentation needed to complete the essential settling-in tasks.  When the employee arrives in country, the will be personally accompanied to the various locations/ government offices to complete the essential tasks of applying for a local registration number, opening a local bank account and applying for a driver’s license. A general overview of hospital and emergency facilities, shopping locations, and postal services will also be provided.

Take Control of Your Mobility Needs

Contact us today to ensure a smooth and cost-effective relocation experience. Let Kinetix Relocation handle your budgeting needs with expertise and precision.